Sustainable farming is an important concept in natural farming to maintain health of soil, crops and various living organisms. It also helps to decrease dependence on limited non-renewable resources such as petroleum based products and importation of organic materials. Do you think importing fertilizers, pesticides and minerals both chemical and organic from the other side […]
Category Archives: Natural Farming
Nature teaches without words or judgement. In order for a farmer to see the world as it is, he must develop humility and pure mind, then the world appears without conflicts or judgements.
Natural farming is a nature-centered farming practice that utilizes the great ability of the soil and the way of nature to grow our crops. Ultimately, natural farming is to realize how nature develops soil fertility.
Mr Fukuoka’s approach to natural farming is such a noble act in itself. Once many people including myself acquire the knowledge in farming, often they try to implement new ideas by creating more work. I often find myself struggling with a lot of projects because of this. I am sure that he went through a […]
Preserving Native Forest is very important for various ecological functions from native birds and insects to even tiny soil organisms. We at Mauna Kea Tea respect our land and the presence of native forest which connect us to the unique local environment. Why is it important to preserve Native Hawaiian Ohia Forest? Native Hawaiian Ohia […]
Modern farming practices do not sustain life My interest in farming began from the doubt in modern farming practices which we abuse nature so much. Nature has its own balance and yet we are ignorant to see that broken balance. In the end, nature has all the time she needs to fix the problems and […]
Generally aerobic decomposition is considered good composting and anaerobic bad. If you are composting in a composting bin, probably water logged, O2 deficient zone of compost smells rotten and that’s why they say this, but in nature there are both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition occurring at proper places. If you make a small pond and […]
What if I didn’t use any fertilizer at all, both chemical and organic. Does it express more natural rhythm of the plant and encourage stronger growth? I found the answer in “natural farming.” It is a philosophy of soil. It teaches us to observe the great power of soil and nature to utilize it in […]
I found some old photos from college years along with some senior thesis photos of seedball experiment. The main topic of the research was restoration of native plants using seedballs in previously rangeland, which did not give much findings, but the opportunity to study natural farming gave me much better understanding of this farming style […]
Growing tea is rather natural gardening experience for gardeners in Hawaii. When I first moved to Hawaii, it made perfect sense to grow tea because of the hilly terrain, rich deep soil, warm climate with no frost, and abundance of rain. Many of these requirements are met for quality tea growing. Preferred Growing Condition for […]
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